Report writing


This can be a shared task, or the President may choose to do it on her/his own.
The points below will guide you and make this job easier.
  • ·         Timing: Annual Reports have to be prepared for presentation at your AGM. The year to be reported on is the preceding calendar year.
  • ·         Preparation: needs to start early to ensure that the Annual Report and audited accounts are ready for the AGM. The Treasurer in particular must allow plenty of time for the auditing of the accounts so that they are completed by the AGM.
  • ·         Committee Reports: The committee members with specific tasks should give you a written report. Incorporate the events into your report, and give praise for work well done.
  • ·         Members: Give the number of financial members as at the year-end. Comment on membership trends during the year.
  • ·         Newsletter: Read the newsletters to remind you of any new areas of interest your XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX has moved into during the year.
  • ·         Annual Plan: Refer back to your XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’s annual plan, and comment on achievements and on any projects or activities that are current.
  • ·         Previous Annual Reports: may be a help, although you may want to bring in new ways of Accuracy: Carefully check spelling, style, grammar and length. You may like to get another person to give you their opinion.
  • ·         Presentation: Type the report and have it photocopied. Presentation can be simple, but it needs to look competent.
  • ·         Archives: Keep on copy on file in your XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’s archives.


     The following guide to running an Annual General Meeting does not need to be followed word for word. Adapt it to be comfortable for you to run the meeting in a friendly and efficient way.
    Check your XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’s constitution to ensure that the election procedures below are consistent with your rules. 

    I declare the ……… Annual General Meeting of XXXX XXXXXXXXXXX open. It is a pleasure to welcome (name any important visitors, patron, sponsors, etc.) and all members. Thank you for showing your interest by coming here tonight. The Annual Reports and Annual Accounts have previously been circulated for your approval. 

APOLOGIES         I now call for any apologies.
                               I move that these apologies be accepted.
                               Those in favor please say Aye. Against? Carried.

MINUTES  The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting have been circulated.
                  Are there any amendments?
                  Would someone move that this is a true and correct record of what took place at the last AGM.
                 Those who were present and are in favour please say Aye. Against? Carried.
                 The President now signs the minutes as correct.

MATTERS     Is there any business arising from the minutes?

ARISING     Briefly discuss any topics raised.

ANNUAL    I will now present the Annual Report.

REPORT      I move that the (year) Annual Report of the XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX be        
                    The President reads the report.
                    The report is now open for discussion.
                    There being no (further) discussion would someone move that this report be adopted.
                   Those in favour please say Aye. Against? Carried.

FINANCIAL       I now call on the Treasurer to present the Financial Report.

REPORT           Treasurer: I move that this report be received.
                         President: The report is now open for discussion.
                         The Treasurer comments on or reads the report, and answers questions.
                         There being no (further) discussion would someone move that thisreport be adopted.                                      
                         Those in favour please say Aye. Against? Carried

The next item on the agenda is the election of officers. 

     I shall now vacate the chair and hand over to the Secretary. (if the President is not standing for re-election she/he may stay in the chair).
Secretary: ……………….. has been nominated for the position of President.
(If there is only one nomination, no vote is required.)
I am very pleased to declare that ………….is elected /re-elected as President.
(President resumes chair.)

……………… has been nominated for the position of Secretary.
(If there is only one nomination, no vote is required.)
I am very pleased to declare that ……… is elected / re-elected as Secretary.

(Follow the procedure described for Secretary above.)

I move that those members willing to stand for the committee be elected as one body.
The following people have indicated that they are willing tostand again. (List them).
Are there any further nominations? (List them).
Those in favour please say Aye. Against? Carried.
……………….. are duly elected.

I move that ……… be elected / re-elected toact as Honorary Auditor. She/he has
already indicated willingness to act in this position.
Those in favour please say Aye. Against? Carried

GENERAL BUSINESS The next item on the agenda is general business. Is there any general business?
There being no (further) general business, I declare this Annual General Meeting closed. (Time)


                                             FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 20XX

      I have audited the financial statements on the following pages. The financial statements provide information about the past financial performance of XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and its financial position as at 31 March 20X1. This information is stated in accordance with the accounting policies set out on the finial page. 

Responsibilities of the Committee
  The Committee is responsible for the preparation of financial statements which fairly reflect the financial position of XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX as at 31 March 20X1 and the results of its operations for the year then ended.

Auditor’s Responsibilities
   It is my responsibility to express an independent opinion on the financial statements and report my opinion to you. 

Basis of Opinion
   An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes:
·         the significant estimates and judgements madeby the Committee in the preparation of the financial statements; and
·         whether the accounting policies are appropriate to XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’s circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed.
I conducted my audit in accordance with New Zealand Auditing Standards, except that my work was limited as explained below. I planned and performed my audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which I considered necessary in order to provide me with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatements, whether caused by fraud or error. In forming my opinion, I also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements.
      Other than in my capacity as auditor, I have no relationship with or interests in XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. 

Qualified Opinion
      In common with other organizations of a similar nature, control over the revenues from toy rentals and fines prior to being recorded is limited, and there are no practical audit procedures to determine the effect of this limited control. 19/02/09  -10-8In this respect alone I have not obtained all the information and explanations that I have required.
       In my opinion, except for adjustments that might have been found to be necessary had I been able to obtain sufficient evidence concerning door to door collections, the financial statements on pages 2 to 5 airly reflect the results of operations for the year then ended.
In my opinion, the financial statements on the following pages fairly reflect the financial position of XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX as at 31 March 20X1. My audit was completed on …….. and my qualified opinion is expressed as at that date. 

Signature of Auditor
(Name of Auditor)

Adjourn -  close meeting for the time being and reconvene it later

Adopt -  to approve and accept (accounts, reports, or recommendations)

Agenda -  list of items to be discussed at a meeting

Amendment -    alteration to a motion being discussed at a meeting

Ballot  -    procedure where votes are registered in writing: a vote

Casting (vote) -   extra vote exercised by chairperson when vote is tied.

Chairperson -         person who takes charge of a meeting

Closure (motion)                a motion to stop debate on an issue and put the matter to the vote

Debate  -    discussion for or against the issue under consideration 

Facilitator -   person who helps a meeting to run smoothly 

Financial - report accounts and financial statements presented to a meeting 

Minutes - formal record of meeting, usually recorded and kept by secretary 

Motions - formal proposals for meeting to consider the act of proposing an issue 
                 for consideration by a meeting

Move -   the act of proposing an issue for consideration by a meeting

Notice of motion - advance notice in writing of a proposal for meeting to consider Point (of order)  
                              query calling attention to a possible infringement of the rules governing a meeting

Procedure - accept rules and order of events

Proxy -   the authority to act, or vote, for another

Quorum  - the minimum number of people who must be present before a meeting can make  
                  valid  decisions

Roundprocess where each member speaks in turn

Second -  indicate formal support of a motion

Substantive - a motion that has been amended bythe meeting is called a substantive motion

Standing order-  the rules of a particular organization applies to its meeting

Tied - a tied vote is one where v Seconder? All in favour / against. CARRIED voting is 
           equally divide between those for and against