
                                              Sample Layout of Committee Minutes

  Minutes of a committee meeting of ………………………….XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
                                                                         Held at XXX
                                                                           On XXX
                                                                         Time XXX

Present:     List all members present, giving both first and surnames for archive purposes. Put the Chairperson first with     “chair” inbrackets beside their name.

Apologies:    Received from ………………..

Minutes:   The minutes of the meeting held on …………… were circulated.
(name) moved that the minutes as circulated be taken as a true and accurate record (if
no amendments).
(name) moved that the minutes as circulated, with the addition of the above amendments, be taken as a true and accurate record.
Seconded by (name). CARRIED.

Matters Arising from the Minutes:
List any discussion and decisions made.

      Inward from …………..
      Outward to …………….
      If no correspondence write “There was no correspondence”.
      (name) moved that the inward correspondence be received and the outwards endorsed.
      Seconded by (name). CARRIED.

Treasurer’s Report:
      The following payments were presented for approval (list them).
      The balance in the XYZ bank is
                     $………. Cheque account
                     $……… Term deposit
                     $……… Total funds at (date)
Summarise any discussion about the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’s financial situation.
Treasurer moved “That payment of the listedinvoices be approved and the Treasurer’s report adopted”.
Seconded by (name). CARRIED.

Committee Reports:
Each committee member with a specific task gives a written report to assist the
Minutes Secretary. In the minutes, give a brief summary of the main points from each committee member, including any topic, which was discussed in depth by the whole committee.

General Business:
Record a brief summary of any business, which was discussed, including any held over from the previous meeting.
For example: the request from members to hold a fundraising evening was discussed, and a subcommittee appointed with Argus Polsby as the convener. The subcommittee will report back at the next meeting with recommendations on date, venue, format, costs, etc.

Date of Next Meeting:
To be held at (time) on (day) at (place).
The meeting closed at …………….. am / p.m..

  Minutes should be posted or delivered to committee members as soon as possible after the