
Memorandum is a Latin word to refer to a short note. the plural from is Memoranda. today, these words are hardly uses; Memo and Memos have taken their place. Memos are use for internal office correspondence. That is a note from one person or office to another within the same firm or organization. This is called Memo
A memo is:
  • a hard-copy (sent on paper) document
  • used for communicating inside an organization
  • usually short
  • contains To, From, Date, Subject Headings and Message sections
  • does not need to be signed, but sometimes has the sender's name at the bottom to be more friendly, or the sender's full name to be more formal. If in doubt, follow your company style.
Memos are useful in situations where e-mails or text messages are not suitable. For example, if you are sending an object, such as a book or a paper that needs to be signed, through internal office mail, you can use a memo as a covering note to explain what the receiver should do.
Memos should have the following sections and content:
1.      A 'To' section containing the name of the receiver. For informal memos, the receiver's given name; e.g. 'To: Andy' is enough. For more formal memos, use the receiver's full name. If the receiver is in another department, use the full name and the department name.  It is usually not necessary to use Mr., Mrs., Miss or Ms unless the memo is very formal.
2.      A 'From' section containing the name of the sender. For informal memos, the sender's other name; e.g. 'From: Bill' is enough. For more formal memos, use the sender's full name. If the receiver is in another department, use the full name and the department name. It is usually not necessary to use Mr., Mrs., Miss or Ms unless the memo is very formal.
3.      A 'Date' section. To avoid confusion between the British and American date systems, write the month as a word or an abbreviation; e.g. 'January' or 'Jan'.
4.      A Subject Heading.
5.      The message.
Unless the memo is a brief note, a well-organized memo message should contain the following sections:
a.       Situation - an Introduction or the purpose of the memo
b.      Problem (optional) - for example: "Since the move to the new office in Kowloon Bay, staff have difficulty in finding a nearby place to buy lunch."
c.       Solution (optional) - for example: "Providing a microwave oven in the pantry would enable staff to bring in their own lunchboxes and reheat their food."
d.      Action - this may be the same as the solution, or be the part of the solution that the receiver needs to carry out; e.g. "we would appreciate it if you could authorize up to $3,000"
e.       Politeness - to avoid the receiver refusing to take the action you want, it is important to end with a polite expression; e.g. "Once again, thank you for your support.", or more informally "Thanks".
6.      Signature
This is optional..

                       Example Memo  
All members of the sports clubs of office & company Ltd.
Honorary Secretary
23 February 2013
Annual Picnic

1 The annual Picnic will be held on Sunday.22 December, as decided by the Executive Committee of the sports club of office & Co,Ltd.
2 You are kindly requested to give the name of participate to any member of the Executive Committee by wed.17 December, 2001.No exception will be made if you can not meet this deadline.
3 The venue as selected by you at the last meeting is Bentoto Beach Hotel.
4 The time of department will be 9.00am.The bus will leave the office premises at 9.00Am sharp.
5 The rates are Rs.400/=per head. with half rates for children under 12.
6 A Variety of activities has been planned, as on previous occasions, and the organizes look forward to your active participation.
7 any queries will be answered on 678910, durig office hours.
                                      We hope you’ll enjoy the annual Picnic.